/* This web version is a working draft of ongoing data transcription I am preparing as part of my dissertation. Titles, subheadings and comments appear between the marks on either end of this paragraph. I am transcribing my actual work as a plain text (.txt) file: this web version is only posted as a backup. Any bullet points, lists, etc. WordPress has automatically inserted here are not part of the plain text formatting in my actual file. */

/* The Englishwoman’s Domestic Magazine
First Series, Volume 6 Correspondence Sections as Plain Text
Link: https://babel.hathitrust.org/cgi/pt?id=uc1.a0005855366&view=1up&seq=593&skin=2021

Volume note: Correspondence is always late in the end matter in this volume, and thus missing from the regular paginated text in many library copies.

Prepared by Julie M. Sorge Way
Preparation notes: transcribed [period][em-dash] as .- for consistency in each entry

May 1857 (Series 1, Vol. 6, No. 1, p. 1-32) 2 pages of “To Correspondents” is in the end matter. */

EMMA.- We hope to gratify you next month.

EXCELSIOR..- We give the process by which the
marking is achieved, at the same time remarking
that our own wonder is not how it comes that the
marked muslin is so dear, but that it is so cheap.
The design must be carefully and evenly pricked
throughout the outlines; then laid over the calico,
and rubbed over with a fine blue powder, used for
the purpose. Finally, it must be ironed. Or it
may be drawn on tracing paper, which must be
laid over the calico, with blue tracing paper be-
tween them; and the outlines drawn with a blunt

*** No letters can be answered in the next
month’s number which are received after the 15th
of the month.

ANNETTE.- We cannot inform you.

J. D.- Go to the Hospital for Diseases of the

C.C. W.G.- You can have the September num-
ber sent to your address for three stamps.

MISS MARY.- 1. Of no consequence. 2. We be
lieve Alex. Ross’ Liquid Hair Dye to be very good.

SINCERE WELL-WISHER.- The title of the story
was ironical.

OAKEY will be answered next month if possible.

JAMES HOLLIS.- It was a misprint; the number
should have been 43,969.

AILEEN.- Simply cut out the twelve cheques,
and forward them (post paid) to the publisher,
with your name and address.

ANN.- Yes; a binder should not charge more
than 4d. or 6d. for binding your numbers in our

EUGENIE FRANCIS.- We do not remember the
proverb you refer to.

A SUBSCRIBER.- Forward the cheques from May,
1855, to April, 1857. You will be entitled to two
chances. You will find the cheques printed on the

WEEP NOT FOR HER.- These lines evince talent.

H. B.- No; received correct.

S. S. MILNE.- We thank you for your sug-

W. WATKINS.- The new volume (6th) com-
mences with this number (May). The 5th volume
was completed with the April number.

MOSS ROSE.- Yes, each cheque will entitle you
to a chance in the next distribution.

CORDELIA.- No. The cheques must be complete
from May to April (both inclusive) to entitle you
to a chance next August.

E. D. W.- 1. Quite optional. 2. See advertise-
ment on the wrapper.

C. HARRIS.- Yes.

  • No doubt Canada is an excellent colony,
    and one of the best for emigrants to choose for
    their destination.

MARY PENRYHN wishes for a good receipt for
making a dish of Haricot mutton.

ISOLINE.- There is a life of the lady published,
which we will forward on receipt of five postage

LITTLE BEAUTY.- Yes; send seven postage stamps
and we will forward you the “Secret of Beauty.”

A. MARGARET.- Through several numbers.

INANNA will find her request attended to.

H. A.- Nothing but constantly soaking the
article will have the desired effect.

L. TENNENT.- 1. Yes. 2. Answered. 3. Insert
in this number.

ETIQUETTE wishes to know one or two matters
respecting the etiquette of a wedding. To her first
question, we beg to reply that the bride’s parents
will furnish the carriage in which her father will
take her to the church, and any other carriage
which may be necessary for the rest of the lady’s
family. The bridegroom will furnish the chariot
which will convey his bride and himself from the
church. 2. The wedding cards the gentleman
should order. 3. The bride-cake, and everything
pertaining to the breakfast, are within the province
of the bride. 4. Neither party has anything to do
with the other’s gloves. 5. Household linen should
be furnished by the bride’s parents.


A. Z.- “He Doeth all Things Well,” by W[]
“Watchman, what of the Night,” by Miss Davie[]
The above may be had of Messrs. Cocks and Co

BOOKS RECEIVED.- “Godfrey Malvern,” by Tho[]
Miller. G. Vickers. – “The Play-Day Book,” by
Fanny Fern. Knight and Son – “English Traits”
by R. W. Emerson. Knight and Son. – “Hours
Sun and Shade.” Groombridge. . – ” The Chain
Lilies.” Knight and Son.-”The Home School
by the Rev. Norman Macleod. Paton and Ritchi[]

  • “Physic and its Phases.” Simpkin, Marshall, at
    Co.-“Dress; a Tract for the Times.” Bosworth
    and Harrison.-“Cookery for Maids-of-All-Work”
    Groombridge. – “The Science of Dress.” Grooms-
    bridge. – “Mis-Pronunciation Corrected.” Grooms-
    bridge.-” The Embroidery and Alphabet Sample
    Book.” Groombridge. – “Clara Woodward and her
    -dreams.” Knight and Son.

“Natal-day;” “ The Baby and the Rose Tree.”

T. J.- Declined.

MRS. JACKSON.- Declined with thanks.

/* June 1857 (Series 1, Vol. 6, No. 2, p. 33-64) */

The publisher respectfully informs subscribers
in town, that he will under take to bind the ENG-
OWN MAGAZINE, at 1s per volume, including cover
and engraved frontispiece.

MR. BEETON will forward, post free, all books
that are published in London (from 6d. upwards)
on receipt of tie published price, in Post-office
order or postage stamps.

*** No letters can be answered in the next
month’s number which are received after the 15th
of the month.

Miss MARIANNA CRASSWELLER, 11, Slon-terrace,
Portsea, has sent us the prettiest child’s frock, and
this lady accordingly receives the prize awarded.
Our subscribers will see in this number this pattern,
which we have had carefully engraved, and, we
doubt not, they will be equally pleased with our-
selves at the elegant simplicity of the design. Miss
Jane Fletcher, Callington; Miss F. G. T., 161,
Falkner-street, Liverpool; and E. G., we have to
thank for some very pretty patterns.

M. H.- The first a in Raphael should be pro
nounced as a in far.

CONSTANT SUBSCRIBER.- Your pattern requires
various colours being wool-work). We cannot
accommodate you.

THE UNKNOWN.- 1. About twenty-one. 2. Chew
every night and morning a clove or a piece of orris-
root about the size of a small bean, or the same
quantity of burnt alum. See “Secret of Beauty,”
price 6d post free.

SABAT.- Declined, with thanks.

E. GARROLD.- Yes, each volume will entitle you
to a share, if you forward the ticket or tickets.

T. R. G.- Apply to Dr, Conquest, Finsbury.

EMMA S.- The present Duke of Manchester was
born 1823, succeeded to the title 1855. Second title,
Viscount Mandeville. The title dates from 1719.

well bound, is a very good work. We will forward
it post free.

JULIA.- We are not acquainted with the rules.
Write to the secretary of the society.

ROBERT.- There can be no doubt it would have
been better not to have made the revelations you
did; but why for a moment lack faith in one who
has made “life a Paradise to you,” and who, whilst
lamenting your illness, is slowly but surely suffering
also. Such communications are not suited to these
columns; have you noticed the advertisement 4, 11,
and 16 in the newspaper you have at your house

MISS J. YOUNG wishes us to continue the Bio-
graphical Sketches. This will be done from time to

A CORRESPONDENT (Antediluvian) writes that
the “Lonely Rock,” a poem said to be anonymous,
inserted in the August number (1856) of the Eng-
sition of Mrs. Caroline Fry.

A CORRESPONDENT wants a recipe for making
rhubarb wine.

AN ADMIRER will find several recipes for ginger
beer in this number.

A HOUSEKEEPER will find recipes for sauces in
this number.

TUANNA will find her request attended to.

S. A. E.- It depends upon the time you forwarded
your ticket.

PANSY will find the recipe in this number.

WM. SELKIRK.- 1, The distribution will take place
next month. 2, Volume III. of the Boy’s OWN
MAGAZINE will be published in December next,
You should inclose a stamped envelope if you wish
your letters answered by post.

E. A. M.- We think we can give you the informa-
tion soon.

EXCELSIOR. A printer would print you the
alphabet for a trifle, say 3s. or 4s.

MRS. CANSINS (Gibraltar).- The “Ladies’ Book
of Fancy Work” is published by Mr. Jewitt, Strand
It contains every description of fancy work.

A. M. M.- Yes.

DARSSE.- 1, We prefer the full name and address.
2, The plan you suggested was adopted with the
tickets in Volume I., but most of them were lost by
the subscribers.

Mother;” “The Quiet Hour.”

/* July 1857 (Series 1, Vol. 6, No. 3, p. 65-96)

missing from Hathi Trust */

/*August 1857 (Series 1, Vol. 6, No. 4, p. 97-128) */

In consequence of the great length to which
our tales and articles have extended this month,
we are obliged to postpone till next month the
insertion of many valuable recipes and Things
Worth Knowing, for which our best thanks are due
to such of our correspondents as have forwarded

S. A. E.- Your cheques, also your friend’s, shared
in the last distribution.

BERTHA.- See Correspondence page.

S. H.- Let the knife and fork remain together
on your plate.

MARGARET.- We would oblige you if possible;
but, to do so, would cost us about £50 per month

MISS J. SEARLE.- Your cheque should have been
numbered 44,020.

MISS THWAITES.- Your wish shall be gratified is
some future number.

A. W. Dison.- l. A situation as clerk in one of
the Government offices would be the most suitable
for your friend. 2. No.


PEARL.- It is merely imposition to pretend to
tell a lady’s character by her handwriting. We
must decline it. Pearl writes a lady-like hand.

MAY.- Mrs. Pullan, Editress of the Work-table
Department, will supply you with the pattern.

MISS E. MARTIN.- A very pretty guipure design
for the bottom of a lady’s petticoat appeared in the
number for April, 1857.

WILSON.- 1. Spoonfulls. 2. Yes. 3. All depends
whether it is a habit or not. 4. Tap the stopper
gently “with a piece of fire-wood;” keep turning
the bottle while so doing, and in five or ten minutes
you will find the stopper loose.

E.C.- Yes, the cheques will be exchanged.

EDITH.- 1. We will forward the number for May
1856, on receipt of three postage stamps. 2. Your
letter reflects great credit on you, from the manner
in which it is written.

RHUBARB WINE.- We have to thank the following
had for excellent receipts for making rhubarb wine:
A Subscriber, Miss Huish, and C. M. Richards.

/* September 1857 (Series 1, Vol. 6, No. 5, p. 129-160) */

We have to thank Mrs. Pratt, Mrs. Boyce, S. S. C.,
E. Russell, a Subscriber, Blanche, Miss Coley,
Annette, M. S., and Miss Corbet, for their kind at-
tention in sending many very valuable recipes. We
hope our fair friends will continue to send us the
results of their housekeeping knowledge and expe-
riences, as one of our special aims is to render our
magazine useful to our readers.

A CORRESPONDENT desires to know the best
method of cooking tomatoes as a vegetable. Ano-
ther desires a recipe for “Velvet Cream” and
“Tipsy Cake.”

A CORRESPONDENT wishes to have some infor-
mation on the subject of “Silk Patchwork.”

MISS LINTON.- We shall be glad to see the answer
to your charade and conundrum.

N. M. DAY.- We will insert your wishes in our
advertising columns. Terms, 9d. per line.

MRS. PETERS.- See answer to N. M. Day.

M. POPPLEWELL.- You must keep the cheques
till the completion of the volume in April next.

PICA.- We cannot advise you.

M. TABOR.- You can have a copy forwarded post
free for 7s. 6d.

EMMELINE.- We do not imagine it can possibly
be done, and feel sorry we cannot assist you.

LAUREL.- We have numerous applications of the
kind you name, and were it in our power we would
willingly complete your happiness by giving you all
the information.

our subscribers for the receipt you require.

E. NEWEUSH.- See answer to Jessie.

“Lines to an Absentee;” “The Lost Child;” “Viola
Grey;” “Tears” (there is much feeling in this com-
position); “Venice,” M. A. S.; J. Wilson Holme,
“The Ballad of the Ladye Willoughby,” Hor.
Ep. II. ; “The Zephyr” (very pretty); “Howard’s
Last Visit;” “Lines written in an Album;” “Morn;”
“The Monastery;” Aurd, or Dark Star Water;”>
“A Mother’s Love;” “Cleopatra;” “A Pastoral;”
“A Visit to the Monastery of Great St. Bernard;”
“The Generous Pedlar.”

/* October 1857 (Series 1, Vol. 6, No. 6, p. 161-192) */


  1. JESSY.- A good remedy for removing mildew
    spots from articles of underclothing.
  2. A SUBSCRIBER.- For making lemon solid to
    cut like lemon sponge, but of a beautiful bright
    yellow colour.
  3. ATHELI.- For washing crochet lace.
  4. S. P. S.- How to clean bonnet feathers and
    curl them.
  5. NON EST.- To make a good bandoline for the
  6. IVEDON.- For cleaning Berlin woolwork.

*** No letters can be answered in the next
month’s number which are received after the 15th
of the month.

MADELINE MARY.- It most likely arises from
indigestion ; regular exercise should be taken.

J. P.- Only to forward a specimen of your pro-
duction. At the present time, being pressed with
MS., the editor begs us to decline
your kind offer.

GEORGINA.- Medicine and healthy exercise will,
no doubt, remove the objection to your dear sister
being pretty; did we know any other remedy, how-
ever “dear,” we would certainly have the pleasure
of making one lady happy.

A. B. would feel obliged to any lady corre-
spondent who would give full directions for starch-
ing and ironing gentlemen’s linen in the best pos-
sible manner.

MIGNIONETTE.- Only medicine will remove the
complaint. We know of no other remedy.

SABINE.- Send six stamps and we will forward
“The Secret of Beauty.” All books, from 6d. up-
wards, we send post free.

S. T.- On completion of the volume in April
next. Write your name and address on the May
cheque only.

E. BRAMPTON.- 10: 6: 57 means the 10th of
June, 1857.

UNFORTUNATE.- See “The Ladies’ Companion to
the Toilet,” price 6d., advertised in this month’s

E. GIE.- 1. The cheques for the fifth distribution,
which is passed, we will exchange for the sixth, on
receiving them with a stamped envelope. 2. Will
give you the receipt next month. 3. The book is
advertised on the wrapper.

NELLY.- On receipt of seven postage stamps we
will forward you “Fenning’s Every Mother’s
Book.” (Every mother should have a copy. -Ed.)

A. Z.- On receiving wedding cards you should,
within a fortnight, send yours in return. It is not
necessary to send one to the bride and one to the
bridegroom, although that course is sometimes
adopted. If you are within a reasonable distance
of the dwelling of the married couple, and are very
intimate, you should call on them on their return
from their wedding trip, when you can leave your
card. It is always expected that the first visit
should be paid to the happy pair, who, in their
turn, will call upon you.

/* November 1857 (Series 1, Vol. 6, No. 7, p. 193-224) */

Many of the Fortunate Recipients of Gifts at the
gift Distributions having omitted to acknowledge
the receipt of their Gift to Mr. S. O. Beeton, are
requested to do so without delay.

MR. BEETON will forward, post free, all books
that are published in London (from 6d, upwards)
on receipt of the published, price, in Post-ofice
order or postage stamps.


The subscription to receive the numbers for 12
months by post is 3s.; two or more copies, if for-
warded together to one address, will be sent post
free at the published price, thus our subscribers
who reside at an inconvenient distance from their
booksellers can receive their numbers by post regu-
larly without extra charge.

The subscription may be remitted in postage
stamps or post-office order.


The publisher respectfully informs subscribers
in town, that he will undertake to bind the ENG-
OWN MAGAZINE, at 1s. per volume, including cover
and engraved frontispiece.

*** No letters can be answered in next month’s
number that are received after the 15th of the month.

M. COLVILL.- We have received the letter, con-
taining four stamps. Please forward your address,
and the answer will then be sent.

J. KING.- No; we believe it to be the safest mode
of beautifying the complexion.

PIMPLE.- See the advertisement of James’s Pills
for the Complexion, &c.

ACTOTE.- Which of these girls do you think the

S. BINGHAM.- Order of your bookseller the
Christmas Prize.

LONELY.- 1. If you purchase Volumes I., II., III,
and V., you will be entitled to four shares in the
next distribution. 2. The balls you can obtain at
most of the fancy shops.

SUSIE.- Price 2d., post free for three stamps.
2, Miss Strickland’s “Lives of the Queens of Eng-
land” is published in twelve volumes, price £4 16s.

A PATIENT ENDURER.- See remedies for removing
warts, pp. 94, 351, 371. Volume I., ENGLISHWOMAN’S

TAPESTRY.- See No. 5, Vol. I. of the ENGLISH-
WOMAN’S DOMESTIC MAGAZINE, under the head of
Things Worth Knowing, “To Size and Gild Wood.”
Instead of preparing the articles, you can purchase
them already prepared, and thus save yourself a
vast amount of trouble.

LOUISE.— 1. No 2. Should the gift be a one or
two-guinea order, the holder can select for herself.

  1. You can have your numbers bound uniform with
    the former volumes, by ordering the cover of your
    bookseller and then any bookbinder in your neigh-
    bourhood should put the numbers in the case, for
    4d. or 6d.

DEVONIA.- “Manual of Heraldry,” 3s.

EMMA LESS.- Nemesis is the god of vengeance.

Maurice;” “A Nickname, &c.,” M. M. Dawson;
Ernesta, “The Italian Boy’s Song;” Emma Less,
“Lines on the Soul.”

We have to return our best thanks to Miss
Barclay, Mrs. Moore, Una, Tomato, Elfrida, Miss
Ashby, Miss Corbett, Miss Woodward, Miss Fisher,
and other kind correspondents, for their valuable
recipes. May we ask for some tried and good
receipts for Christmas plum pudding, mincemeat,
and other dishes in vogue during the approaching
festive season? We should like to receive these
recipes before the 15th of this month.

/* December 1857 May (Series 1, Vol. 6, No. 8, p. 225-256) */


MR. BEETON will forward, post free, all books and
music that are published in London (from 6d.
upwards) on receipt of the published price, in Post-
office order or postage stamps.


To Town Subscribers.- The publisher respectfully
informs subscribers in town, that he will undertake
or the BOY’S OWN MAGAZINE, at 1s. per volume,
including cover and engraved frontispiece.

*** No letters can be answered in next month’s
number that are received after the 15th of the month.

*** The Editor cannot undertake to return re-
jected manuscripts.

ELFRIDA.- 1. Will give you the receipt next month.

  1. Cheques only share in the distribution for which
    they are sent.

ANNE TAYLOR.- Price 1s., post free.

ESPARELDO.- Will give you the recipe for chil-
blains next month. The book you require is adver-
tised on the wrapper.

M. S.- At present our hands are full.

ARABELLA.- If only slightly soiled, bread crumbs
or India-rubber.

TOM.- 1, Messrs. Deacon, Wallbrook. 2, Read
well-written books.

J. VEREY.- Not quite up to the mark. Shall be
glad to see more of your verses, if convenient.

C. DUNCAN.- A Post-office Directory will give
you the information more explicitly than we could
[] small space.
bath,” ” Song of the Bereaved.”

PEGGY.- Cut the cheques up the centre, and for-
ward the halves (printed “to be sent”), in April
next, with your name on the May cheque, according
to the directions given on the May wrapper.

NELLY.- It is not quite feasible that we could
give all a gift, unless we had an inexhaustible gold
mine at our command.


ROSALINE.- Read Macaulay’s Essays. 2, Will
end in April.

CLEUSSA.- Camphor cake. Vol. II., p. 62.

JULIET.- We do not know the colours. 2, Your
writing is good. 3, Before meals.

LALLA ROOKH.— 1, You should not answer the
young gentleman’s letters. 2, See the “Companion
to the Toilet,” advertised on the wrapper. 3, We
are not acquainted with the family, therefore cannot
reply to your question.

MISS BRIGGS.- Shall be glad to receive any tale
you may send, but cannot promise acceptance.

EDITH LORAINE.- 1, We do not know of a remedy.
2, The recipe will appear with others.

W. F. T.- There is no specific finger.

H. HARDING.- Become a pupil-teacher in your
own locality. Write to the Home and Colonial
Institution, Gray’s Inn-road – the only society that
might assist you.

*** We have to thank White Rose, A Domesticated
Spinster, E. A. G., A Constant Reader, Probatum
Est, Mrs. B., E. Pickering, E. Russell, J. Carr, M.
Ashling, S. Holdam, M. E. Fisher, L. Manger, and
many others, for several very excellent Christmas
recipes, some of which appear in the present number.

bath,” “Song of the Bereaved.”

/* January 1858 (Series 1, Vol. 6, No. 9, p. 257-288)

Missing from Hathi Trust */

/*February 1858 (Series 1, Vol. 6, No. 10, p. 289-320) */

No. 4, Vol. III.

A. HARDING.- 1, You will please forward the
cheques before June next. The cheques for the
five Volumes will entitle you to five shares. 3,
MAGAZINE will be published on the 15th of March,
price 2s. 60., post free.

C. CAMPION.- 1, Procure two pennyworth of the
solution at the same place as you purchased the
gutta percha soles. 2, You cannot place the soles
on goloshes.

LAURUSTINUS.- 1, Our engagements with con-
tributors are completed for some time to come.
Your suggestion is correct. 2, We cannot name
any particular publication. Write to the editors of
several, such as “Chambers’s Journal,” “London
Journal,” “Family Herald,” &c.

IDA. – It is rather difficult to obtain a good
situation as English teacher on the Continent
unless you have friends to assist you. Try an
advertisement in the papers.

M. W.- Cut out the cheques from each
completed volume, according to the directions
given on the cheque containing the number. 2,
Each set of cheques confers a chance.

to the Snow;” “An Idle Student’s Regret;”
“Sketches from Village Life;”. “Greek Super
stition;” “Aunt Janet’s Charades” (very interest-

M. L. G.- You did not mention which Magazine.
We presume you refer to this. If so, forward the
cheques before next June. You will be entitled to
a share in the distribution.

SOPHIA.- About 15s., suitable to place on a table
in a parlour or drawing-room.

A SUBSCRIBER.- Put a small piece of loaf sugar
in your starch. Do not iron your articles too dry.

S. W. L. G.- Modelling wax is prepared by
melting virgin wax with a very small quantity of
Venice turpentine and flake white, in fine powder.
If coloured wax is used, a colour in fine powder
must be substituted for the flake white.

HAMBURG.– See the present number. Will give
you the other receipt soon.

L. M. T.- Send a paper to the Editor, with a

/* March 1858 (Series 1, Vol. 6, No. 11, p. 321-352) */

A YOUNG DRESSMAKER.— You must send in your
cheque on completion of the volume. Write your
name and address on the May cheque.


Our correspondents will oblige us by forwarding
the following receipts for insertion:_ 1. How to
Make Mangel Wurzel Wine. 2. To Make Candied
Lemon Peel. 3. Making Sweet Hams. 4. To Clean
Ermine Victorines, &c.

FLORENCE ADA.- “Messiah,” 38.; Gems selected
from the Works of the Great Master,” 28. 6d. The
beautiful prayer from “Mose in Egitto” (as sung at
the Crystal Palace Concerts), 3s.

E. HOWARD.- The privilege is now discontinued.

M. D. BERMONDSEY.- No; we only give the
pattern for our subscribers to work from.

ELLEN DEMAIRA.-If you send the cheques as
per directions given on the cheque for May, you
will be entitled to share in the annual distribution
of 400 guineas.

A Housewife.-See pages 126 and 350, vol. II

A CONSTANT READER.-See Nos. 1 and 3, vol. IV,

happy Bride” (as usual, pretty); “On a Wedding
Ring;” “The Happy Land;” Julia Cecilia Norman;
“The Sailor’s Return;” ” Waiting;” “ Hymn to Old
Age;” “ To the Princess Royal.”

/* April 1858 (Series 1, Vol. 6, No. 12, p. 353-384) */

*** No letters can be answered in next month’s
Number that are received after the 15th of the month.

*** The Editor cannot undertake to return re-
cieved manuscripts.

A SUBSCRIBER.- The receipt will be given next

[].- Your request will be attended to in
the next number.

FANNY.- Your wish will be complied with.

MARY.- Next month.

MARIANNE.- We cannot, we regret, assist you
in the matter.

“Forget Me Not” and “I Love to Think of
Thee” (they are equal, we think, in point of
versification and rhythm); Ellen, “Farewell to
the Princess Royal.”

/* The Englishwoman’s Domestic Magazine
First Series, Volume 7 Correspondence Sections as Plain Text
Link here: https://babel.hathitrust.org/cgi/pt?id=uc1.a0007302177&view=1up&seq=14&skin=2021

Prepared by Julie M. Sorge Way
Preparation notes: transcribed [period][em-dash] as .- for consistency in each entry */

/* May 1858 (Series 1, Vol. 7, No. 1, p. 1-32) 2 pages of “To Correspondents” is in the end matter. */


The New Volume of the ENGLISHWOMAN’S
DOMESTIC MAGAZINE is now ready, handsomely
bound in cloth, lettered, also Engraved Frontis-
piece, price 2s. 6d. To prevent disappointment,
ladies are requested to give their orders at once to
their booksellers, or send 30 postage stamps to the
Office, when the New Volume will be forwarded
post free.

Cloth cases for binding the numbers, with gilt
lettering are now ready, price 8d., post free. Order
of your bookseller early, or send 8 postage stamps
to the office.

Cases for Volumes I., II., III., IV., V., with
Engraved Titles and Frontispieces, are still on sale,
9d. each. By purchasing the Cases, subscribers can
have their numbers converted into handsome

*** Vols. 1., II., III, IV, and V. are still on sale,
price 2s. 6d. each, post free. Ladies, by purchasing
the six volumes, will be entitled to six chances in
the Sixth Annual Distribution, next August, of
Four Hundred Guineas’ worth of Gold Watches,
Chains, &c., &c., making the magnificent sum of
Two Thousand Four Hundred and Forty-five
Guineas distributed amongst the subscribers in six

LAURA.- “My Brother’s Keeper,” 1s., * Hills of
the Shatemuc,” 1s. 6d., 2s. 6d., 3s. 6d., 6s.

STINGER.- The holder of a fortunate cheque,
after the distribution, can have goods supplied to the
amount of the gift from any of the firms named.

F. C. R.- Send the cheques “to be sent;” see
the directions on last May cheque.

H. S. MILLS.- The number should have been
d6039, being the number we have given you.

LUCY JANE.- It is merely an imposition.

KING PIPPIN.- We do not know the meaning.

J. F. W.- We should like to hear more from
you on “the Economy of Dress,” and should be
glad of the paper by Miss Taylor, of which you

We have to thank Miss S. Beale, Louise, E-a,
Miss Emma Springley, A Lady from Nottingham,
Mrs. B., E. A. C. (shall be glad of more), Miss
Emma H. Stanley, Constantine, and Heliotrope, for
their very valuable and varied recipes. They will
prove to our readers, we know, a great acquisition,
and we earnestly hope that all ladies who have
good recipes will spare a little time for the ENGLISH-
for us.

ROSE BUD.- Use it in a lump.

GEORGIANNA.- We cannot, in justice, recommend
you anything that will have the wished for effect.
Be contented as you are.

YOUR GRATEFUL CLARA.- We can only recom-
mend you to apply to the London publishers of
translated books. Clara is not the only one that
applies to us when in a similar dilemma, and happy
should we be if it were in our power to assist our
fair petitioners.

J. C. H. NEVILL.- Make no difference. We are
happy to hear you have changed your name; may
you enjoy much happiness.

S. MORISSON.- The history of Sardinia will be
included with others, in BEETON’S HISTORIAN,
price one penny, weekly.

W. SEVILLE.- Much obliged. We should have
added to the explanation – “no cheques are num-
bered under 10,000″

AGNES.- All the back numbers may be had, price
2d. each. Two or more sent post free.

MISS C. S.- As soon as our space will admit, we
will give the pattern required.

PENELOPE.- Miss Ferguson, 157, Sloane-street,
Chelsea, S.W.

AUGUSTA S.- You do not say what the edging is
to be suitable for. You want more practice in

E. SMITH.- Shall be given shortly.

MRS. H. D.- The price of the paper pattern is
To prevent disappointment, 3s. 6d.

MRS. J. MASON.- Probably in our next.

HYDE MANELUS.- The pattern may be procured
of Miss Ferguson. See answer to PENELOPE.

AN OLD SUBSCRIBER (Poole).- In an early num-

A TWO YEARS’ SUBSCRIBER.- We are working a
new basket, and, as soon as finished, will put it in
our Magazine.

A SUBSCRIBER.- Shall be attended to.

A SUBSCRIBER (Park Fields).- Square netting is
done exactly the same as diamond netting, with
the exception that it is commenced at one corner
with one stitch, and increased by doing two in one
at each row, until the required width is obtained.

GODIVA.- A pattern for a fire-paper would take
up too much space. Any articles are suitable for
Bazaars, such as worked card baskets, watch
pockets, penwipers, purses, &c. &c.

A SCOTTISH READER.- Very shortly.

LILY (WOLVERHAMPTON).- Tight and closed up
sleeves will be worn; we will give a pattern in good

ADA.- Yes.

KINDER SCOUT.- Every purchaser of twelve
numbers, or a bound volume, is entitled to a chance.
See the advertisement in the present number.

W. APPLEFORD.- The list is printed for the
special purpose of subscribers who dislike wait-
ing till the September number is published (we
then give the list gratis), therefore a subscriber
purchasing the volumes, or wishing to have the list
before the publication of the September number,
should, we think, contribute towards the expense.

MARGERETTA.- Will endeavour to oblige you
next month.

W. and J.; Zeno; “The Child’s Wish;” D. T. St.
Ninians (we think the verses very pretty, but they
are rather too “Scotch” for general readers);
Marianne; “Reveries” (these verses are very much
better than many we are in the habit of receiving;
although not sufficiently polished to be printed,
yet they possess much feeling and grace); “The
Hour of Death,” &c.



We beg to announce that a handsome Guinea
Volume will be awarded to our Subscribers for the
best quotations from the poets on “Hope.” The
papers must be sent in on or before the 15th inst.,
written on one side of the paper only. They must
not occupy less than two columns of print, or more
than four. Each paper should be accompanied by
the name and address of the writer, but if publicity
is not desired, a nom de plume must be added.

/* June 1858 (Series 1, Vol. 7, No. 2, p. 33-64)
Missing from Hathi Trust */

/* July 1858 (Series 1, Vol. 7, No. 3, p. 65-96) */

ANXIOUS.- 1. See No. 8, Vol. IV., ENGLISH-
WOMAN’S DOMESTIC MAGAZINE, for depilatories. 2.
About sixteen. 3. Simply bow and take the seat
offered by your guest.

E. B.- It is a mere matter of taste.

E. WADDINGTON.- Within eight days. See notice
above to country subscribers.

MRS. REEDHAM.- Send three postage stamps.

C. J. HARTLEY.- We acknowledged the safe receipt
of cheques by post, but, owing to the imperfect
address which you gave, the letter has been returned
to us.

31, Vol. IV.

EMMA.- Yes,

BLINK BONNY.- Could not say until we read it.

RECEIPTS.- B. P. A. E. We have to thank the
lady for her receipts; F. H. K. we beg to thank
also; Miss Pearson, L. C. Williams, Miss F.
Fletcher, J. A. Brooke, M, H. Thompson, Dot
E. T., have also kindly sent receipts.

the Bride;” “Verses to W.”

FANNY.— You are not required to return a card

S.T.- Yes.

ESTHER.- There are several Protestant churches
in Paris, bat not sufficient for the English population.
A meeting was held last month by the British resi-
dents in Paris, at Maurice’s Hotel, respecting the
purchase of the church, Rue d’Aguessau. About
one-half of the purchase money has been already

HER CEN.- Against rules. Yes.

ALEX. HAY.- Always kept in stock.


B. CLARA.- Both words tend to the same meaning.

A.G.M.- No.

A. LITTLE.- 1. See plan of the Ballot in the
number for last April. 2. The names and addresses
of the fortunate subscribers appears annually in the
September numbers.

L. N.- We fear that the description would be
Too long for the limits of our Magazine; and
independently of this reason, there are novelties
which have entirely superseded this sort of work.

E. W.- We wish we could comply with every
request as soon as it is made; but, as the arrange-
ments of our Magazine require to be made early
in the month, this is not always possible. We
can only say that we shall always be anxious to
fulfil our subscribers’ wishes as promptly as pos-

/* August 1858 (Series 1, Vol. 7, No. 4, p. 97-128) */


LUCY E.- We believe the custom arose from Lady
Montague giving them an annual dinner on the
1st of May.

B. B. AND S. E.- The right arm.

PRIMROSE.- 1. It is not in the power of man to
help you. 2. We must decline discussing any
question on religion.

B.M.C.- Yes.

B.G.- Yes.

S. S. MILNE.- Exchanged for No. 51,273.

EMMA R.- 1. No doubt you made the solution too
strong. 2. We will endeavour to oblige you next

EFFIE C.-Received.

JESSEY.- 1. Will next month, if possible. 2. Yes

  1. Will be inserted.

SHIRLEY.- Will give you the instructions next

LOVE.- An old writer says that if a gentleman is
wishing for a wife, he wears a ring on the first finger
of the left hand; and when engaged, on the second
finger; if married, on the third; and on the fourth,
if obstinately refuses to be married. When a lady
is not engaged, she wears a hoop or diamond on the
first finger; if engaged, on her second; if married,
on her third; and on the fourth, if she intends to
die an old maid.

/* September 1858 (Series 1, Vol. 7, No. 5, p. 129-160)

No end correspondence visible in the HT peripheral material. Possibly missing, possibly not there to begin with – there were small bits in the Work-Table section. */

/* October 1858 (Series 1, Vol. 7, No. 6, p. 161-192) */

GERTY.- Yes.

BROWN, MISS.- We expect to meet a few dis-
satisfied persons in the world who are not contented
with anything; we are sorry to be compelled to
include you in the number.

JUANITA.- Rise early of a morning, take plenty
of exercise, and use an abundance of cold water
(don’t put a little warm in it, just to take the
chill off). You will find this, no doubt, have the
desired effect. We don’t believe the remainder of
your letter at all.

now fast approaching when soups are usually con-
sidered very suitable to be served, we shall be glad
if those ladies who have a goodly array of receipts
for making them will kindly send them to us for
insertion in early numbers of the ENGLISHWOMANS’

/* November 1858 (Series 1, Vol. 7, No. 7, p. 192-224) */

ANNETTE.- We do not think it exactly suitable
for the magazine. If you purchase the correct
edition of it it is worth reading, otherwise it is not.

J. BAILEY.- Mr. Gilling, North John street, or
Mr. Shepherd, Scotland-road, will be most happy to
serve you.

LIZZY.- Send the cheques and a stamped envelope.
We will change them for this year’s.

JENNY THOM.- A pair of embroidered slippers, a
smoking cap (if he smokes), or a hair chain.

RECEIPTS.- Our thanks are due to Miss B. Simp-
son, Mrs. Wigens, E.A.Y., and M. Young for re-
ceipts which they have kindly forwarded us.

/* December 1858 May (Series 1, Vol. 7, No. 8, p. 225-256) */

A CONSTANT SUBSCRIBER.- It can be done, but
not without taking the keys off, which would be
rather more expensive than needful for so simple a

A STAFFORDSHIRE GIRL.- 1. Nom de plume. 2.
By perseverance under a master, or by constant
application. 3. For the full five years. 4. No.

  1. There are many to choose from, it is difficult to

NON EST.- Non est inventas (from the Latin),
He has not been found.

B. STUBBS.— You do not state what kind of fancy

B.- You can purchase of most doctors cake or
powders to answer the purpose.

M. A. M.- The most fashionable promenade cos-
tume for a young lady of the age specified is the
Cossack pardessus. These were first introduced in
Paris, and have received the approbation of the
Queen, being now worn by the younger Princesses
of the Royal Family, They are made to fit the
figure, the body and skirt being cut all in one, that
is, the back and the fronts are not in pieces sepa-
rated from each other at the waist. The sleeves are
long, and hanging tight at the top and wide at the
bottom. The material must be cloth. Mixtures
are much in favour. Mantles are not now worn by
young ladies.

MATILDA.- For so large an undertaking, it is
highly necessary to procure the best materials, as
it would be a great disappointment to find the work
look coarse and rough after passing through the
hands of the laundress. To guard against this, we
recommend that Messrs. Walter Evans and Co’s.
Boar’s Head Crochet Cotton should be used. Num-
ber twelve will be the most suitable size.

A CONSTANT READER.- We are extremely sorry
that this communication did not reach us in time
for the request to be complied with this month. We
cannot promise an illustration, but the directions
shall be supplied in our next number.

/* January 1859 (Series 1, Vol. 7, No. 9, p. 257-288)
No Correspondents page in the Hathi Trust end matter scanned in */

/* February 1859 (Series 1, Vol. 7, No. 10, p. 289-320) */

No. 4, Vol. III

A. HARDING.- 1, You will please forward the
cheques before June next. The cheques for the
five Volumes will entitle you to five shares. 2,
MAGAZINE will be published on the 15th of March,
price 2s. 6d., post free.

C. CAMPION.- 1, Procure two pennyworth of the
solution at the same place as you purchased the
gutta percha soles. 2, You cannot place the soles
on goloshes.

LAURUSTINUS.- 1, Our engagements with con-
tributors are completed for some time to come.
Your suggestion is correct. 2, We cannot name
any particular publication. Write to the editors of
several, such as “Chambers’s Journal,” “ London
Journal,” “Family Herald,” &c.

IDA.- It is rather difficult to obtain a good
situation as English teacher on the Continent
unless you have friends to assist you. Try an
advertisement in the papers.

M. W.- 1, Cut out the cheques from each
completed volume, according to the directions
given on the cheque containing the number. 2,
Each set of cheques confers a chance.

to the Snow;” “An Idle Student’s Regret;”:
“Sketches from Village Life;” “ Greek Super-
stition;” “Aunt Janet’s Charades” (very interest-

M. L. G.- You did not mention which Magazine.
We presume you refer to this. If so, forward the
cheques before next June. You will be entitled to
a share in the distribution.

SOPHIA.- About 15s., suitable to place on a table
in a parlour or drawing-room.

A SUBSCRIBER.- Put a small piece of loaf sugar
in your starch. Do not iron your articles too dry.

S. W. L. G.- Modelling wax is prepared by
melting virgin wax with a very small quantity of
Venice turpentine and flake white, in fine powder.
If coloured wax is used, a colour in fine powder
must be substituted for the flake white.

HAMBURG.- See the present number. Will give
you the other receipt soon.

L. M. T.- Send a paper to the Editor, with a

/* March 1859 (Series 1, Vol. 7, No. 11, p. 321-252) */

CAROLINE.- See advertisement on the wrapper of
this number.

ANNIE.- 1. Thanks for your letter. 2. From May
to April. 3. If possible.

C. W. SIMKIN.- L. E. Landon’s “Improvisatrice
and other Poems,” is published at 10s. 6d. We will
send it post free.

receive our best thanks for the recipes you have so
kindly forwarded.

ZINE, Vol. VI., No. 6.

MARIA.- Unless you have sufficient servants, the
guests had better help themselves to the wine.
Puddings and tarts can, of course, be eaten with
spoons. Ladies may drink wine.

CLARA B.- We wish we could.

VANITAS.- Same as Clara B.

JUDY.- Apply to the Secretary of the Ear Dis-
pensary, Dean-street, Soho.

/* April 1859 (Series 1, Vol. 7, No. 12, p. 353-376) */

A SUBSCRIBER.- The receipt will be given next

S. POWELL.- Your request will be attended to in
the next number.

FANNY.- Your wish will be complied with.

MARY.- Next month.

MARIANNE.- We cannot, we regret, assist you
in the matter.

“Forget Me Not” and “I Love to Think of
Thee” (they are equal, we think, in point of
versification and rhythm); Ellen, “Farewell to
the Princess Royal.”

/* The Englishwoman’s Domestic Magazine
First Series, Volume 8 Correspondence Sections as Plain Text
Link here: https://babel.hathitrust.org/cgi/pt?id=uc1.a0007302177&view=1up&seq=509&skin=2021

Prepared by Julie M. Sorge Way
Preparation notes: transcribed [period][em-dash] as .- for consistency in each entry */

/* May 1859 (Series 1, Vol. 8, No. 1, p. 1-32) */



We beg to announce that a handsome guinea
volume will be awarded for the best selection of
quotations from the poets on “Grief.” In order
to give our correspondents sufficient time for
selection, June 5th will be the last day to receive
the quotations. These must be written on one side
of the paper only, and must not occupy less than
two columns of print, or more than four: We
should like also the dates of the births and deaths
of the poets to be given, and the titles of the poems
from which the quotations are made. Each paper
should be accompanied by the name and address of
the writer, and, if publicity is not desired, a nom de
plume must be added.

/* Omitting list of names of winners here. */

We beg our fair correspondents to put their real
or feigned signature on the last fly-leaf of what they
send us, and to remember that every one of their
packages will come for one penny stamp, provided
it is left open at the ends and does not exceed 1/4 lb.

/* Omitting long list of names of winners here. */

BELLA.- Yes, we will exchange them for the cur-
rent year.

YOUNG GLASGOW.- Read the prospectus of Beeton’s

E. L. L. (Rochdale.).— Exchanged for 7th distribu-
tion, No. 52117.

W. B.- You have been misinformed.

R. S. (Rose Cottage.)- Will give the receipt, if
possible, next month.


IGENNONNE.- See page 94, Vol. V., ENGLISH-

MISS WEAVER.- Send part of the wrapper.

MARTHA ALLETT.- We should hardly like to ad-
vise on such a point; it would be better to consult
a friend.

MISS WHITTAKER, Mrs. Smiles, A Sinauor, Mrs.
Young, Miss Hall, T. A. G., A. M. B. (Streatham
Common), S. H. Watkins, Helen Hope, Lucy M.,
Mrs. A. Williams, E. G. R., L. Withers, A Sub-
scriber (Jersey), Mrs. Geo. Cook, Miss M. Briers,
Henetta, Mrs. Brough, E. A. Soame, Mrs. B. Smith,
Miss Keeling, Aggie, E. Ruston, Miss Robinson,
T. Shaw, and E. A. Wraith. Please receive our
best thanks for the receipts so kindly forwarded.

/* June 1859 (Series 1, Vol. 8, No. 2, p. 33-64)
No correspondents section visible in this scan – last page with cheque is all ads */

/* July 1859 (Series 1, Vol. 8, No. 3, p. 65-96)
Missing from Hathi Trust */

/* August 1859 (Series 1, Vol. 8, No. 4, p. 97-128) */


/* Omitting announcement of Distribution of Gifts, 1859 with instructions */

MISS BULL.- 1. We never heard of them being
bought, not even for waste paper. 2. You can pur-
chase books from 1s. upwards. 3. Write to the


JANET MORICE.- Cut the paper the size re-
quired, and then dip in the egg. 2. Will endeavour
to do so.

MRS. MERFIELDS.- You can have the cover on
receipt of eight stamps.

MARY GOULD.- We have no space at present, and
must decline your MS.

EDITH.- Only on the May cheque, according to
the printed directions thereon.

FANNY JACOB.- Don’t despair, you are not the
only disappointed one.

BELL.- We must have the May cheque; it con-
tains the number; the others are useless without it.

DOLLY.- The address you will find in last month’s

EMMA.- To get rid of moths, procure shavings of
cedar wood and place in a few small muslin bags,
then place them where the moths are. If the moths
are in woollen cloth, use a solution of acetate of
potash in spirits of rosemary, fifteen grains to the

A SUBSCRIBER.- 1. Your brother would be entitled
to claim the houses and all other landed property;
the business, and all personal property, would be
equally divided between the other children. Should
your mother be living, she would be entitled to one-
third of the personal property. 2. The master could
punish your brother, and he is also bound to teach
him his trade according to the agreement.

E. D. (West Indies.)- Your letter, &c., came safe.
The cheques must always be received here by the
1st of August. You can have the chance next year.
Will endeavour to give you the receipt.

PARAMATTA.- Received.


/* September 1859 (Series 1, Vol. 8, No. 5, p. 129-160)

No personal responses, just ads and record keeping */

/* October 1859 (Series 1, Vol. 8, No. 6, p. 161-192)
Last page with cheque is present but has no correspondence */

/* November 1859 (Series 1, Vol. 8, No. 7, p. 193-224)
Missing from Hathi Trust */

/* December 1859 May (Series 1, Vol. 8, No. 8, p. 225-256)
Missing from Hathi Trust */

/* January 1860 (Series 1, Vol. 8, No. 9, p. 257-288)
Missing from Hathi Trust */

/* February 1860 (Series 1, Vol. 8, No. 10, p. 289-320)
Missing from Hathi Trust */

/* March 1860 (Series 1, Vol. 8, No. 11, p. 321-352)
Missing from Hathi Trust */

/* April 1860 (Series 1, Vol. 8, No. 12, p. 353-384) */

Subscribers are now requested to send in their Cheques complete (from May, 1859, to April, 1860,
inclusive), with their names and addresses legibly written on the May, 1859, Cheque, in order to insure
their chance in the Eighth Annual Distribution of Gifts, which will take place next August. All the
Numbers and Volumes are now in print, from the commencement of the work. Subscribers wishing
to complete their sets, or requiring numbers to complete their Volumes, can have them forwarded, post
free, on receipt of postage stamps or Post-office order. A single number will be sent post free for 3d.

*** A list of the Gift-holders will be forwarded immediately after the Distribution, to all who
inclose two Postage Stamps with their Cheques.


To Town Subscribers.–The publisher respect-
fully informs subscribers in town that he will bind
BOY’S OWN MAGAZINE at 1s. per volume, including
cover and engraved frontispiece.


Cloth cases for binding the numbers, are now
ready, price 8d., post free. Order of your book-
seller early, or send eight postage stamps to the


A HOUSEMAID.- New Zealand or South Aus-
tralia would be better than America.

A SUBSCRIBER (Peckham).- Will find all the
information required in “Beeton’s Book of
Household Management,” published monthly,
price 3d.

ANN WHATHAM.- It is not mentioned in Holy

E. MONGER.- Send them on completion of the
volume. See notice above.

TIT.- Respectfully declined for want of space.

M. E. S. (Abington).- The best plan would be
to write to the editor of Excelsior,” and other
magazines of that character.

A. JACKSON.— We have no opening at present.

A NEW SUBSCRIBER.- 1. Yes. 2. Very seldom
before the 1st of June.

LILIAN S.- You will see, by last month’s an-
nouncement, that the Prize Compositions will be

E. J. J.- Write to Messrs. Gatti and Co., Cop-
pice-row, Clerkenwell, who are the manufac-
turers of the articles you require.

MIGNON.- Each set of cheques entitles you to a
chance in the distribution.

E. E. W.- Manuscripts are sometimes accepted,
but we have a regular staff of contributors.

MYRTLE.- Mrs. Markham, in her “History of
England,” thus explains the origin of the term
“John Bull.” She says. “I am told that this
name cannot be traced beyond Queen Ann’s
time, when a satire, entitled “The History of
John Bull,” was written by Dr. Arbuthnot; the
object of it being to throw ridicule on the politics
of the Spanish succession. John Bull is the Eng-
lishman, the Frog is the Dutchman, and Charles
II. of Spain, and Louis XIV., are called Lord
Strut and Louis Baboon.”

/* The Englishwoman’s Domestic Magazine
Second Series, Volume 1 Correspondence Sections as Plain Text

Link: Series 2 Volumes 1-3 in one Google Books PDF here https://www.google.com/books/edition/The_Englishwoman_s_domestic_magazine_Imp/mGUEAAAAQAAJ?hl=en&gbpv=0

Volume note: Volumes change in this new series, to 6 months (and 6 numbers) rather than 12 per volume. So the year is now two volumes. Each number is now 48 rather than 32 pages long, and the size of the paper is larger.

Prepared by Julie M. Sorge Way

Preparation notes: Line breaks preserved from the original */

/* May 1860 (Series 2, Vol. 1, No. 1, p. 1-48)
The Englishwoman’s Conversazione (Not Notes To Correspondents, longer and a part of the paginated magazine now), last page, p. 48 – PDF page 55 */


J. PURR.- Our corre-
spondent, not a young lady,
we think, is in a terrible fright
about our going to war with
France, or France going to war
with us. She thinks, she says, if we have
no objection, that the first is the best; by
which we fancy she means that we had
better go to war in France. Yes, that
certainly would be the better plan; for no
Englishman or Englishwoman would like to
see Napoleon’s Zouaves, and the Chasseurs de
Vincennes, quartered in the pleasant corn-
fields of Sussex, or turning the Kentish hop-poles
into tent-poles. And then, too, terrible question

  • most terrible of all questions – where would
    our ladies get, how could they get, when could
    they get, that without which we are perfectly
    assured that no young maid, or middle-aged
    matron, could do without – the Paris fashions; es-
    pecially now they have once seen them engraved,
    printed, and painted so beautifully in this magazine?
    No, Miss J. Purr (does she mean j’ai peur?) the
    force of fashion alone, we believe, and the immense
    interests connected with the ENGLISHWOMAN’S
    DOMESTIC MAGAZINE, would keep this nation from
    a war with France. This is in entire confidence;
    but we hereby give each of our readers permission
    to impart the secret to her husband, brother, or
    lover (yes), so that he may take it into account
    in his next operations on the Stock Exchange,
    and, as a return for the information, present her
    with a new silk dress (now the duty is off, they don’t
    cost much) and a set of the eight volumes of the

GEORGIANA.- Be kind enough to send your real
name and address. These must always accompany
every letter, not necessarily for publication, but as
a pledge of the good faith of the writer.

MILLICENT TURNBULL.- “Wayside Weeds and
Forest Flowers” will be commenced in our next
number. The first part will be devoted to direc-
tions for collecting, examining, drying, and pre-
serving wild-flowers.

CAROLINE.- You are not quite right in your
estimate of Sarah, Duchess of Marlborough. Her
beauty was always of the scornful and imperious
kind, and her features and air announced nothing that
her temper did not confirm; both together, her beauty
and temper, enslaved her heroic lord, who, though
so great a general in the field, was as nothing in
his own house. One of her principal charms was a
prodigious abundance of fine fair hair. One day, at
her toilette, being in anger with him, she cut off
her commanding tresses and flung them in his face.
Nor did her insolence stop there, nor stop till it had
totally estranged and worn out the patience of the
poor Queen, her mistress. The Duchess was often
seen to give her Majesty her fan and gloves, and
turn away her own head, as if the Queen had offen-
sive smells. Incapable of due respect to her supe-
riors, it was no wonder she treated her children and
inferiors with supercilious contempt. Her eldest
daughter, the Countess Godolphin, and she were
long at variance, and never, indeed, reconciled.
With her youngest daughter, the Duchess of Mon-
trose, old Sarah, as Walpole calls her, agreed as
ill. “I wonder,” said the Duke of Marlborough
to them, “that you cannot agree, you are so
much alike.” (That was the reason they could
not, we should say.) Of her granddaughter, the
Duchess of Manchester, daughter of the Duchess
of Montagu, she affected to be fond. One day she
said to her, “Duchess of Manchester, you are a good

creature, and I love you mightily – but you have a
mother!” “And she has a mother,” answered the
Duchess of Manchester, who was all spirit, justice,
and honour, and could not suppress sudden truth,
In these days, as you suggest, we are not so out-
spoken; it is ill-bred, remember, either to argue,
suggest a contradiction, or have a mind of your own.

STAR-GAZER.- “The Poetry of the Months,” you
will see, is commenced in this number. Poems on
“June” will be printed in the June number; on
“July,” in July, and so on. Each paper should be
sent to the office on or before the 5th of the month
preceding that in which the poems will be printed.

ENQUIRER.- Mr. Augustus Mayhew, whose grace-
ful fun we don’t wonder at your admiring, will con-
tribute a series of papers, under the title of “Mrs.
Letts’s Diary. Including the opinions of a young
and tender wife. Edited by a lady of thirty years’
vast experience. Prepared for the press by Augustus

EMMA E.- You like, of course, to be “in the
fashion.” No young lady of sense and position
wishes to be unlike her sisters and her cousins. It
isn’t in human nature that she should. In reply to
your query respecting bonnets, we have to say that
the reign of small bonnets is extinct; that dynasty
is dethroned to give way to much larger-sized ones,
which come considerably forward over the head,
and have a somewhat “coal-scuttle” appearance in
front, while the back of the bonnet is composed of
a “loose crown,” So, if a young gentleman given
to punning asks you to lend him five shillings, you
can’t now be able to reply that you haven’t a loose
crown about you. Mothers, therefore, beware!

ADA S.- We agree with you in thinking that the
horrid little London boys are a very great nuisance
indeed; but we fear Sir Peter Laurie, with all his
alderman’s horses and all his alderman’s men, can’t
put them down. That the amplitude of your crino-
line should have been treated, as you say, by a
number of little boys, posted at regular distances
in Chancery-lane, as they would have treated their
common iron hoops, is too much for us to bear. We
hope you will have more mercy on our nerves in
future than to tell us of such horrible war-whoops.

MARIAN HETHERIDGE.- We shall be happy to
receive the selections from your album, and hope
others of our friends will grant us a peep into some
of their treasures in this way; for we are convinced
that clever jeux d’esprit and interesting impromptus
are lying perdus in the pages of many a young lady’s
album. Open their beauties into the world, fair
readers, and be generous in extending to the thou-
sands who read the ENGLISHWOMAN’S DOMESTIC
MAGAZINE that which has hitherto charmed but a
small circle. What you allude to, we fancy, are the
lines written by the poet Campbell to a young lady
who asked him to write “something original” for
her album.

And original something, fair maid, you would win me
To write – but how shall I begin?
For I fear I have nothing original in me
Excepting Original Sin.

If the selections from your album are not less
clever than the above, we think you may depend
on seeing them in print.

MRS. GORE (Reading).- We admit that that is a a
part of the newspaper which we always avoid, for
we cannot own to any liking for reading of the
brutal murders which, it is a strange thing to ob-
serve, so many of the weaker sex prefer to become
acquainted with. You speak in your letter of an
act of coolness, but we don’t think it is equal to
what occurred in the case of a footman of Lord
Dacre, who was hanged, as nearly as possible, a
hundred years ago, for murdering his fellow-ser-
vant, the butler. George Selwyn had a great hand
in bringing him to confess his crime, and you may
imagine the coolness of the wretch from the fact
that, as he was writing his confession, he stopped at
“I murd-,” and asked, “How do you spell murdered?”

/* June 1860 (Series 2, Vol. 1, No. 2, p. 49-96)
The Englishwoman’s Conversazione p. 96 – PDF page 107 */


ANNA.- The Lent fast
was called by the
Latins Quadragesima; but
whether on account of its being
originally a fast of forty days or
only forty hours, has been much disputed
among the learned. About three cen-
turies ago, in a small village among the
Apennines, the priest was so ignorant
that, not being himself aware of the annual
feasts, he never announced them to his con-
gregation. Having, one day, visited a dis-
tant town, he saw the priests preparing their
branches of olive and palm for next day, and found
he had forgotten to announce Lent to his flock.
Returning eight days afterwards, he caused the
palm-branches to be gathered, and, addressing his
congregation, said, “To-morrow, my friends, is
Palm Sunday. Easter will take place next week;
we shall fast during this week only, for Lent has
come later this year, in consequence of the cold
weather and bad roads.

CLARA WHITEBOY.- We can quite enter into your
horror of the system of slavery, the “peculiar
institution” of our cousins across the Atlantic; but
there is something to be said for the Southeners,
notwithstanding, but which we are not going to
bore you with here. One of the most stinging
sarcasms ever hurled against the United States was
written by Thomas Campbell, not many years
since, in reference to their banner, which displays
“Stars and Stripes” –

United States, your banner wears
Two emblems – one of fame;
Alas! the other that it bears
Reminds us of your shame.

Your standard’s constellation types
White freedom by its stars;
But what’s the meaning of the stripes?
They mean your negroes’ scars.

Surely your name, Miss Whiteboy, must be assumed.

MRS. JAMES PICKWORTH.- You complain of our
English hotels, and don’t like English travelling.
Well, the hotels are not good – that is, they might
easily be much better – although we do know an
inn or two in the country where adulteration is
not altogether the watchword, and the charges are
fairly within the mark. You like the Continental
hotels better, you say. Well, there is certainly
good administration at the Louvre, in Paris, and
we had more than one most excellent petit souper
at the Guldenstern, at Bonn, on the Rhine, at whose
University the present Prince Consort was educated.
Possibily, however, you may not have been beyond
the route usually “done” by tourists; and here the
hotel-keepers prepare for the best customers, the
proud Islanders, with all their taste and elegancy.
But go further; pass into the far-off towns but
seldom visited except by some adventurous and
eccentric Briton, then will you write to your friend
a letter something in the frame of mind in which
Horace Walpole found himself when writing, more
than a hundred years since, to Sir Horace Mann. His
letter is dated Newmarket, 1743. He says, “I am
writing to you in an inn on the road to London.
What a paradise should I have thought this when
I was in the Italian inns! – in a wide barn, with
four ample windows, which had nothing more like
glass than shutters and iron bars! No tester to
the bed, and the saddles and portmanteaus heaped
on me to keep off the cold. What a paradise did I
think the inn at Dover when I came back! and
what magnificence were twopenny prints, salt-

cellars, and boxes to hold the knives! but the
summum bonum was small-beer and the newspaper.

I bless’d my stars, and call’d it luxury.

There is the slightest possible suspicion in our
minds that “a trip on the Continent” is one of the
shams of the day, and that many a pater and mater-
familias would, by keeping within the limits of the
United Kingdom, enjoy themselves better, spend less
money, and add something to the usually very small
amount of knowledge they possess of British geo-
graphy, topography, manners and customs, beyond
a circle of some ten miles from their own suburban
villa. Believe us, that here is the valleys of Eng-
land , the mountains of Wales, the locks of Scot-
land, and the lakes of Ireland, there are a few
“pretty bits of scenery” not unworthy the eye of
the modern knight and lady.

SNOWDROP.- Yes, lotteries were very much in
vogue at the latter end of the last and the begin-
ning of this century. The reigning London fashion
amongst the quality in 1780, says a writer of that
period, was to go, after the opera, to the lottery
offices, where their ladyships would bet with the
keepers. You chose any number you pleased; if it
didn’t come up next day, you paid five guineas: if
it did, you received forty, or in proportion to the
age of the tirage (drawing). The Duchess of
Devonshire, in one day, won nine hundred pounds.
A General Smith, as the luckiest individual, was of
the most select parties, and chose the numbers for
the fair dowagers. Sometimes we hear people
speaking of the far greater virtues which were
practiced in England when our grandfathers and
grandmothers were living!

ADELAIDE POE TREE.- You admire, beyond all
other poets, Byron. We do not; and we think his
reputation will not stand the test of the criticism
of this and future ages; but, as you say, one of the
excusable weaknesses of Byron was his pride in his
Norman ancestry – the first of his forefathers esta-
blished in England, Ralph de Buron, having come
over with the Conqueror. This Ralph held several
manors in Nottinghamshire, Derbyshire, and York-
shire, and the lordship of Clayton as well. The
third Lord Byron married one of a name strangely
connected with the fortunes of the family – Elizabeth
Chaworth, daughter of John, Viscount Chaworth,
William, the fifth Lord, was surnamed the
“Whiced,” and lived to fall prostrate before that
shrine falsely called by moral cowards “Honour.”
Being at a convivial meeting of the Nottingham-
shire Club, held in Pall Mall, no the 26th of Janu-
ary, 1765, he had some words with his friend and
neighbor, Mr. Chaworth of Annesley, as to
whether Sir Charles Sedley, on his estates of
Nuttall and Bulwell, or he (Lord Byron), on his
estate of Newstead, had the greater quantity of
game. Heated with wine, the disputants en-
countered on the stair. What passed, or who was
the challenger, is not known, but they requested a
waiter to show them to an empty room, which he
did, leaving a small lighted candle on the table.
The bell was soon after rung, and, on the waiter,
or tavern-keeper, and some of the dinner-friends,
entering the room, they found Mr. Chaworth mor-
tally wounded – his opponent’s sword having passed
into his body, and gone, as he expressed it, deep
through his back. Lord Byron’s left arm was
round Mr. Chaworth, and Mr. Chaworth’s right
arm around Lord Byron’s neck and on his shoulders.
The folly of the moment had passed into the
eternal crime. The shades were gathering round.
To the one – Death; the other – Remorse. Mr.
Chaworth, in his expiring agony, forgave his friend,
who was tried by his Peers on the 13th of February
following, and found guilty of manslaughter;
whereupon he claimed the benefit of the statute
of Edward VI., which was allowed, and he was dis-
charged on paying his fees. He retired to New-
stead, and there lived a life of gloomy misan-

/* July 1860 (Series 2, Vol. 1, No. 3, p. 97-144)
The Englishwoman’s Conversazione p. 144 – PDF page 161 */


lieve that the college for
ladies which you refer to
is of the highest character. An
acquaintance with all the sub-
jects you mention is indispensable for
every well-educated woman. And this
acquaintance must not be a superficial
one, or it will soon betray its thin and
shadowy nature, when you come into the
society of those better and more solidly
informed. You may possibly make some
such error as was made by the hero of an
Oxford story we remember to have heard. An
undergraduate, weak in his divinity, was asked
“Which are the minor Prophets?” His reply was
respectful to all the sacred writers and authors of
the Bible, but it evidenced a respect which had
certainly kept him from venturing very closely into
the comparative greatness and merit of the seers
of Holy Writ – “Well, he did not like to draw dis-

AN APPEAL.- Can any of our readers aid the
inquiring EVA SINCLAIR? She says she will feel
obliged to the editor if he will inform her of the
composition of the cosmetic used in the time of
Charles the Second by the beauties of the Court,
which really had the power of calling the crimson
stream of blood to the exterior fibres of the cheeks,
and producing on the cheeks a beautiful rosy
colour, like unto the bloom of nature itself. EVA
wishes, also, to know if it was injurious to the skin
or not, as she is very anxious to make a trial of it,
for she does not like to be detected in rougeing.
EVA has always heard that the Egyptian women use
water and friction to bring a colour on the cheeks.
EVA would also like to know how that art is to be
learnt, or if the editor can enlighten her on the
subject.- WE think the use of water and friction –
why should we not at once say, a good wash? – cannot
be equalled for MISS SINCLAIR’S purpose; but some
of our readers will come to EVA’S rescue, possibly,
with a more philosophic remedy.

LADY C’S suggestions shall have our best atten-
tion. We think two or three of them are practi-
cable and good, and we are greatly obliged by her
Lady’ship’s letter.

A BACHELOR IN LOVE sends us a communica-
tion, in which he declares that there are ladies in
whose “conversation, as in an academy of virtue,
we see nothing but nobleness and learn nothing
but goodness.” We agree with him.

MRS. ROWE (Working, near the Cemetery).- The
quarrels of lovers, it has been believed, ever since
the old Roman so described them, are but the
beginning of love – a love stronger and more de-
lightful from the very fact of the quarrel. But we
don’t think any author, either in times of yore or
of the present day, whether of a practical turn of
mind and given to the instruction of the people, or
of a poetic and dramatic disposition, has ever told
us anything half so pretty concerning those quar-
rels which will sometimes break out between hus-
bands and wives. These are not pretty quarrels,
and we can easily see that they are not considered
so, even by the parties concerned; for, in nine
cases out of ten, the two better halves are not
anxious that it should go forth to the world that
there has been any vital difference of opinion be-
tween them. “Well, don’t make a noise, the ser-
vants will hear you.” These quarrels, however, do
get to be known, and here is a case in point. A
Scotch minister, engaged in visiting his flock,
knocked at a door, where his modest tap was not
heard for the noise of a violent quarrel within.

After waiting a little, he opened the door, walked
in, and somewhat pompously inquired, “I should
like to know who is the head of this house?”
“Weel, sir,” said the husband, “if ye sit down a
wee, we’ll may be able to tell ye, for we’re just
trying to settle that point.”

ALBUMS.- We have succeeded in unearthing one
splendid specimen from the magnificent fossil re-
mains of ancient albums – those wondrous ruins
which prove the existence of the keen wit, trenchant
satire, and subtle imaginations of many “great
unknown.” Who would not desire to have known
the Mr. Clark who wrote the following lines, and
afterwards – oh! what a loss for England, and what
a gain for England’s faithful colony! – went to
Canada. Your kindest attention, if you please.-
MAGAZINE, Sir, – The following was inserted in my
album, written by Mr. F. Clark, who afterwards
went to Canada, North America. If you deem
them worthy of a place in your valuable reposi-
tory, they are at your disposal. – Yours respectfully,
E. H. May, 1860.


Let love and homage still be paid
To every rank and every grade;
Let beauty have its proper sway,
And find admirers every day;
May swains and maidens early find
Husbands and wives that’s very kind;
Soon to the church may they be led,
And the married happy, the single wed;
May pleasure and goodness ere abound,
And all our efforts with success be crowned.
Thee, dear maid, above all others, too,
To honour, love, and friendship true,
May Heaven’s choicest gifts be sent –
Health, happiness, plenty, and content.
Thrice-happy youth and favoured swain,
Who shall thy hand and heart attain,
Thy softest lips with roseate dye,
Thy lustrous and thy sparkling eye,
Thy lovely cheeks that softly glows,
Sweeter than the bashful rose;
Wit so clear and sparkling bright,
Learning and manners that delight;
Choicest virtues and graces rare,
Unparalleled amongst the fair.
A brighter wreath thy brow shall twine,
Than ever grac’d the noblest of thy line;
May choicest gifts from Heaven descend,
Is the heartfelt with of a
A.D. 1845.

A NEWLY MARRIED COUPLE must expect to have
some trouble with their servants. As we are not
all constituted alike, nor have the same opportunities,
it is impossible that intelligence can be equal. We
knew a lady who, weary of town servants, imported
a piece of plump and rosy innocence from the
country, and who, on the first day of her appearance,
hand occasion to address her thus -“Mary, bring
me some water with the chill taken off.” “Yes,
ma’am, directly.” “Mary,” cried the lady, after
the delay of half an hour, “what on earth keeps
you?” “Why, ma’am, I’ve been looking ever since
for the chill, and I can’t find it.” So much for
Mary; but boys are not a bit better. We have
heard of a gentleman who told his boy to boil some
eggs soft, and when questioned what detained him,
he replied, “Rat the things! it aint o’ no manner
o’ use! they won’t bile soft. I’ve been trying ’em the
more nor an hour, and the more I biles ’em the
harder they get!” We have given these instances
of intelligence with great pleasure, in the hope that
you will derive some consolation from their perusal.

MARY BRYCE.- Never get into a crowd gazing at
shop-windows; but if you do, and are visited by
the annoyance complained of, take the advice given
by an old lady to ourselves. When the person
behind you treads agains your heels, lift them up
a little, and let them fall on his toes.

/* August 1860 (Series 2, Vol. 1, No. 4, p. 145-192)
The Englishwoman’s Conversazione p. 192 – PDF page 213 */

British instruction might
be considerably better – much is
supposed to be taught in the
schools of which you speak, but,
on examination, that much would be far
better if it were less. Too much divinity
and theology are attempted to be crammed
into the childrens’ minds, which are not
ready for it – for these subjects require the
attention of a logical and cultivated mind.
We have all read of the reports made by
her Majesty’s Inspectors of Schools. We re-
member Mr. Brookfield, one of these Inspec-
tors, telling us that he asked one of the boys who
said “The Belief” perfectly, to write it down, for
he believed he had learnt it parrot-wise, and knew
nothing of its real meaning. The boy commenced,
“I bleed in God the Father,” &c. A gentleman,
closely connected with the education of poor chil-
dren, told us, some few weeks since, that, on a
Sunday afternoon, he went into a church, not ten
miles from the metropolis, where the Sunday-school
children were being examined by the curate.
Several questions of a most easy kind were asked,
and answered by rote – evidently without any sense
of their meaning. But now came – Question: Who
was the King of the Jews? Answer: First boy
didn’t know, nor second, nor third, when a boy,
with just the sound on his ears, lustily shouted,
“Hail!” This brings us to a story told by a Scotch
writer about a lad who went to the parish minister
to be examined before his first Communion. The
minister, not wishing to discourage the boy, lead
off with what he thought a safe question. “How many
commandments are there?” After some
little thought, the lad cautiously and suggestively
answered, “Aiblins a hunner” (about a hundred).
The minister, shocked at such intolerable ignorance,
dismissed his promising pupil. On returning home,
the lad met another boy bound to the manse on
the same errand. Notes were compared. “Weel,
what will ye say now, if the minister speers (asks)
how many commandments there are?” “Say! why
I shall say ten, to be sure.” “Ten! try ye him wi’
ten? I tried him wi’ a hunner, and he was na

The marvellous cosmetic employed by the beauties
of the Court of King Charles the Second was merely
tincture of benzoin, precipitated by water, which
Miss EVA SINCLAIR can prepare for herself with the
greatest facility. A small piece of gum benzoin
must be boiled in spirits of wine until a rich tincture
be the result; and fifteen drops of this mixture in a
glass of water form the wondrous bloom-producing
liquid. We feel inclined to echo the editorial recom-
mendation of “a good wash;” but perhaps this
remedy is too simple to be efficacious, for, after all,
faith is the principal thing.
“Better it is to try and fail
Than never try at all.”

HELEN.- We would rather not give our opinion
on the subject of which you write; but physicians
do say that red noses are among the injurious effects
of tight lacing. A word to the prudent is enough!

JEMIMA has quarrelled with her former friend,
and, finding that she is in the wrong, she does not
know how to make it up again. We advise her to
call upon her friend, proffer her hand, and never
again mention the subject upon which the difference
arose. Subjects of quarrel should be like lines
written in dust, to be covered by the next breeze
that blows. Even where injustice may be done to

you, it is better not to quarrel or keep up ani-
mosity, which is only like preserving a fire to burn
your own bosom. We are aware, however, that it
is not every one who will bow to this dictum, to
illustrate which we may tell JEMIMA an anecdote
which took place among the hills of the Scottish
North. Two Highland lairds – cousins by consan-
guinity – had, upon some trifling affair, a difference
which ended in a complete alienation of the friend-
ship from each other. After several years had
elapsed, one of them fell ill, and, as he was not
expected to recover, he sent for his former friend to
make up the quarrel before he took his final de-
parture from all sublunary things. When his
relation entered the chamber of the sick man, the
latter sat up in his bed, and, extending his hand
to the other, said, “Hae, there’s my hand in freend-
ship if I dee; but if I dinna dee, mind, Jamie, I’m
as much your foe as ever.” Death, however, the
settler of all quarrels, stepped in on the following
day and carried off the sick Highlander.


In summer, bright summer, the ladies all know
How troublesome flies do become;
They light on their faces and ticklet them so,
And disturb their small ears with their hum;
The cat they tormet, and the baby they plague,
When laid down to sleep in its cradle;
Young Miss they annoy, whilst “The Battle of
She’s playing as well as she’s able;
On the black nose of Bruno the Blenheim they
When he snaps like the cap of a gun –
Tormenting us all, both by day and by night,
Though to them it seems nothing but fun;
The glass and the crystal, the pictures and frames,
The china and commonest ware,
All things in the kitchen, without and with names,
They spot and their beauty impair..
Ye dames who are wedded, then, hear our receipt,
Which in practice will rid ye of flies;
Be ye young, be ye old, be ye fond or disgreet,
You’ll prove this before your own eyes.
When your spouse after dinner has fallen asleep,
Wash his whiskers with treacle or honey,
And his cheeks will soon show you a hecatomb heap
Of the PESTS, without trouble or money.
CAROLINE HUMOUR (Wife of Thos. Humour,
of Funnyvale Hall, Leicestershire).

YOUNG MAN.- In affairs of love, a letter is, out
of all question, the most eligible mode of commu-
nication. It spares the blushes of the lady, and
saves the tyro of a lover a vast deal of mauvaise
honte. Besides, the ladies prefer that a proposal
should reach them in black and white, as they have
then an opportunity of exhibiting the proof positive
of the power of their charms to all their female
acquaintance. Earl —- courted the beautiful
heiress whom he afterwards married in the follow-
ing manner:- “Do you like buttered toast?”
“Yes.” “Buttered on both sides?” “Yes.” “So
do I. Don’t you think we had better be married?”
“Yes.” Her fourth “Yes” was pronounced before
the altar.

MRS. MORFEY.- Doubtless it is difficult to keep
your eyes always open in the dog-days, whilst your
minister is preaching on the very vulgar, every-day
subjects of practical morality and home virtues,
preferring, as you do, discussions on predestination
and essays on free will. You have not heard, per-
haps, of the parish of Lunan, where there existed
a habit of sleeping in church, much to the disgust
of the minister, who, on one unlucky Sunday after-
noon, endeavored to stir up his hearers by an
earnest objurgation, concluding with the pointed
fact – “You see, even Jamie Fraser, the idiot (who
was in the front gallery, wide awake), does not
fall asleep, as many of you are doing.” Jamie, not
liking either the publicity or the designation, re-
plied, “An I had na been an edeot, I would ha’ been
sleeping too.”

/* September 1860 (Series 2, Vol. 1, No. 5, p. 193-240)
The Englishwoman’s Conversazione p. 240 – PDF page 267 */


A LADY asks the origin
of “giving a pair of gloves?”
The term “Glove-money,” as
well as that of “Giving a pair
of gloves,” is found in old law
records, the origin of which is said to
have arisen from the following circum-
stance:- When Mrs. Croaker had ob-
tained a decree in Chancery against Lord
Arundel, she availed herself of the first New
Year’s Day after her success to present to Sir
Thomas More, then Lord Chancellor, a pair
of gloves, containing £40 in angels, as a token
of her gratitude. The gloves were accepted as an
offering of the heart, but the gold he peremptorily
refused, politely remarking, when he returned it,
“that it would be against good manners to refuse
a gentlewoman’s New Year’s gift. I therefore accept
the gloves, but their lining you will be pleased other-
wise to bestow.”

Q. O.- We here subjoin two recipes for the re-
moval of freckles, &c., which have been supplied to
us by competent authorities. 1. Take one drachm of
muriatic acid, half a pint of rain water, half a tea-
spoonful of spirits of lavender. Mix and apply two
or three times a day to the freckles with a bit of
linen or camel-hair pencil. 2. The favourite cosmetic
for removing freckles in Paris is one ounce of alum,
one ounce of lemon-juice, mixed with one pint of
rose-water. 3. For whitening and softening the
hands, nothing is better than fine oatmeal, either
made into a thin gruel, or a little thrown into the
water when washing. The engaged ring is worn
on the third finger of the right hand.

AMELIA.- As Demosthenes said that action was
everything in oratory, we would say that practice
is everything in singing; but, as you, also, wish to
know the qualities requisite for good singing, we
will give you our best advice. They are not many,
though they are indispensible, and consist of com-
pass of voice, truth of intonation, clearness com-
bined with sweetness of tone, facility of execution,
the capacity to swell and diminish, the hitting of
distances with precision, and a free, open shake.
To these Burney adds expression, “that indefinable
quality which gives to the feeblest voice that power
of touching the heart, which the best of voices,
without it, will fail to accomplish.”

MARTHA BROWN.- Her Majesty and her Majesty’s
Ministers have, strangely enough, not yet summoned
us to impart to our ears the fact of the engagement
you mention, as having reached you by report, be-
tween the Prince of Wales and the German Princess.
He is now in Canada, and will visit the United
States. He may, perhaps, be visited by “love’s
young dream” in the Far West, and endeavour to
move Parliament to let him make of a fair Canadian
or an American President’s daughter, the future
Queen of England.

GWALIA asks- 1. What is the meaning of “Et tu,
Brute?” Well, it looks very much as if it might be
addressed to an unreasonable husband, if such a
specimen of the human race could possibly be found

  • “What a brute you are!” This is not, however,
    the translation which is most in favour with the
    learned; and it is usually understood as being the
    expression made use of by the great Julius Caesar
    when, falling under the blows of assassins in the
    Roman capitol, he recognized amongst those who
    were seeking his death his much-loved friend Brutus.
    “And thou, O Brutus!” is the literal rendering of
    the passage. 2. What is Platonic love? This
    demands several pages to properly describe. It
    shall be our pleasant duty to enter deeply into its

metaphysics, when Phoebus shines less warmly.

  1. The Sultan Solyman did make a pyramid of the
    bones of the Crusaders. You can read all about it
    in the last volume of the “Boy’s Own Magazine.”

MISS V. RAY.- They thought very strongly on this
point, in times gone by, when earnestness was in
fashion, and a good tale is told by Dean Ramsay which
strikingly illustrates the fervour of Jacobite feeling
in auld lang syne, as well as the dry, matter-of-fact
character of our Northern brethren:- Mr. Stirling,
of Keir, a strong Stuartite, attended a secret meeting
at the Brig of Turk, in 1708. The government was
very anxious to discover the leaders. Keir was
suspected, but the miller of Keir swore positively
and distinctly that the laird was not there. As it
was generally known that Keir was present, the
witness was, of course, asked how he could swear
to so downright a falsehood. The miller, quite un-
daunted, and with a feeling of confidence in the
righteousness of his cause, approaching the sublime,
replied, “I would rather trust my soul to God’s
mercy than trust Keir’s head to their hands.” We
have another of a minister in the North, who,
returning thanks in his prayers one Sabbath for an
excellent harvest, began as usual, “O Lord, we
thank thee,” &c., and went on to mention its
abundance and its safe ingathering; but, feeling
anxious to be quite candid and scrupulously truth-
ful, he added, “All except a few fields, between
this and Stonehaven, not worth mentioning.”
Again, a Scotch preacher, being sent to a country
parish, was accommodated in the manse, but in a
very small closet. On inquiring “Is this the bed-
room?” he was answered, “Deed ay, sir, this is the
prophet’s chammer.” “It maun be for the minor
prophet’s, then.” A seceding minister of Fife, ex-
pounding the 116th Psalm, came to the verse, “I
said in my haste all men are liars;” and he added,
not quite inaudibly, “Indeed, David, an’ ye had
been i’ this parish, ye might have said it at your

ADA CHURCHWARD.- You cannot possibly expect
that a young man in a parish like yours, where, as
you say, there are not more than twenty or thirty
people who go regularly to hear their pastor –
sometimes not more than twelve – it would be un-
reasonable to hope that he would not, in the course
of a year, deliver nearly the same sermon three or
four times. Bear with him, pray, and let us hope
he doesn’t meet with a rebuff anything like that
described in the following:- A young minister,
dining after service with a farmer, found his appe-
tite so keen, that he thought it necessary to apolo-
gize to hsi host for having eaten so very substantial
a dinner. “You see, I am always very hungry
after the preaching.” The old gentleman, not
thinking very highly of his guest’s pulpit perform-
ances, relied, after having heard this apology on
two or three occasions, “Deed, sir, I’m no surprised
at it, considering the trash that comes off your
stomach in the morning.”

MRS. ROWLEY.- The device of an anchor in the
parish of St. Clement Danes, London, owes its
origin to the following legend in teh life of that
saint. He having been cast into the sea with an
anchor about his neck – a common mode of execution
then among the Romans – on the first anniversary
of his death, the sea withdrew from the place where
he suffered, though three miles from the shore, and
discovered to the admiring multitude a superb
temple of the finest marble, in which was a monu-
ment containing the saint’s remains. Nor was this
the only respect shown him by the ocean; for a
considerable period of time, every following year,
the element receded on the same day, continuing
thus, for seven days in succession, to admit the
Christians to perform their devotions in this
miraculous submarine temple. To this legend is
ascribed the badge, which is to be seen on the
parochial church of St. Clement’s, in several parts
of that edifice; and an anchor is placed on the
boundary marks of the parish, on the hands of the
clock, &c.

/* October 1860 (Series 2, Vol. 1, No. 6, p. 241-288)
The Englishwoman’s Conversazione p. 288 – PDF page */


is no “royal road” to
matrimony; you leave us in
doubt, moreover, as to whether
you have even a single member
of the opposite sex among your ac-
quaintances. As a matter of course, the
elements of a husband are to be found
in men only; you will, consequently,
perceive the necessity for knowing one, at
least, of that sex from which husbands are

MARY W. BRADSHAW.- The pattern of a
slipper with flowers shall be given, as you desire,
in a month or so; but we have many, very many
wishes to gratify.

QUERY.- Mr. Alexander Ross, to whom we have
applied, declares that the depilatory which he
manufactures is perfectly harmless.

C. MICKLEBURGH.- The best lithographic chalk
is manufactured by Lemercier, of Paris, sold by
Messrs. Barbes, Quadrant, Regent-street. It can
be kept crisp and hard by putting it in tin boxes
and using it in porte-crayons.

J. G.’s humorous contribution is declined with
thanks. We regret not having space for its inser-

W. J. P. (Malvern).- We regret that this con-
tribution is too lengthy for our limited space.

E. F. MORRIS.- Will inserr if possible.

E. H. FLEMING.- Declined with thanks.

We are sorry we cannot find space for A. H.’s

M. WHITE.- Every purchaser of the twelve
ZINE has a chance of sharing in the Distribution of
Prizes given by the Art-Union of London. These
Cheques have to be sent, in April next, to the
Publisher, with the name and address of the Sub-
scriber written on them. This proves that they
have purchased the twelve numbers.

EMMELINE.- Rowland’s Odonto is, we believe,
the best dentifrice.

MEDICUS.- It is a very safe and wholesome pre-
paration, we understand.

MISS E. BRADLEY.- “The Bird Tribe,” respectfully

MARIA B. – Bal-mor’-al.

KATHERINE MAY DAY.- We regret the verses are
too long for our limited space.

HANNAH P— (Birmingham).- We shall en-
deavor, probably, in our next volume, to meet
your wishes. The subjects are in preparation.

A BEATING HEART.- Request the “young man”
to plead his cause and your own before your
parents. Hope and wait.

BESSIE WILLIS.- Inclose the MS. to any music
publisher; if suitable for publication, he would,
doubtless, comply with your request.

A. T.- We earnestly hope that matters are not
so bad as you describe, but that, in a moment of
wounded feeling, you have unconsciously overdrawn
the picture of your trials. Surely, if you were to
state your case to your parents as clearly as you
have to us, some mode of obviating the annoyances
to which you are subjected would be devised.

YEARN.- To your first query, yes. With respect
to your second, we are not acquainted with any
“safe, simple, and efficacious recipe” for increasing
the growth of eyelashes. The art of beauty is still
in a very imperfect condition. In a generation or

two some great discoverer may arise and turn his
attention to the subject. But, on the other hand,
it might possibly happen that eyelashes might then
be deemed decidedly unfashionable; in which case
the great discoverer would, of course, endeavor to
find out the best mode of eradicating them. So
you perceive there is no certain present or prospec-
tive help for us; hence we had better leave Nature
and her eyelashes alone in this respect.

ESPERANCE.- We have to express regret that our
want of space will not permit our inserting the
names of contributors who kindly supply us with
extracts for the “Poetry of the Months.”

TIT’s contribution is respectfully declined.

HONESTICIES’ verses are pretty, but want of sapce
prevents our inserting them.

WALTER WEVER.- Respectfully declined.

W. H. C. N.- Your lines are so good that we
regret we cannot find space for their insertion.

MEG MERRILIES.- The verses are very pretty,
but we are compelled to decline them.

VIOLET.- We are somewhat at a loss what advice
to give as you have not informed us what are your
accomplishments. If you can draw and colour well,
you might try water-colour or oil-painting.

Humour, perhaps, and not wit, is the proper
designation for the kind of thing produced in the
North; and although the distinction between wit
and humour is undoubtedly real, yet there is some
difficulty in defining it. Sidney Smith declared
that one point of the distinction in which Scotch-
men fail is their insensibility to the wit of others,
although they are capable themselves of saying
shrewd, sarcastic, and “pawky” things. “It re-
quires a surgical operation to get a joke well into a
Scotch understanding,” said the Canon of St. Paul’s;
but then he was hardly a fair witness, for there is
no doubt his spirit was provoked by the hard, prac-
tical estimate which the canny men of the North
formed of his pecular irony.

street; S. E. R., Maria Shand, “Twirling the Hat,”
T. U., “Lines from an old Album,” M. A. C.,
H. B. C., J. C. T., Adeline Stewart, Topsy, Frances B.,
Kathleen, Jane Park, Lottie, J. I. S., Miss Webb,
An Old Man’s Story, E. L. Spencer, Mary Hudson,
“A Governess Pupil,” “Esperance,” Olivia G—,
L. F., Mr. G. Haly, “A Fragment,” Lily, “The
Echoing Horn,” May Lilian, E. O., M. A. H., E.
Turrell, C. D. F. G., Carlile, “Legend of a Country

*** The Editor cannot answer queries concerning
the receipt of cheques. A space equal to the whole of
the Magazine would be necessary, if we undertook to
acknowledge the safe arrival of some 40,000 dif-
ferently-numbered cheques.

*** We have received many angry letters from our
subscribers, complaining of the non-receipt of their
numbers of this Magazine. In a few instances we
have been unable to supply the demand sufficiently
quickly, as the elaborate nature of the Fashion-plate
and Berlin Wool-work Pattern demands great care
in their manufacture; but frequently our fair cor-
respondents are themselves to blame, for not seldom
we receive orders without sufficient address, and
sometimes without any address at all; and there have
been one or two cases in which stamps have been
received without any name or address whatever. We
would ask, therefore, our subscribers to be kind enough
to write their names and addresses perfectly clearly
and legibly, and at full length; for although, in the
letter itself, we are enabled by the context easily to un-
derstand what is required to be forwarded, yet in the
matter of proper names it is not so easy for our clerks
to decipher these. Much disappointment, inconve-
nience, loss of time, and money would be saved both to
our subscribers and the publisher if, in the instances
we refer to, greater care were exercised.

*** It is impossible for the Editor to undertake to
return rejected contributions.